AML ID Verification
Verify your customers identity in minutes.

Free yourself from manual checks and use our secure, online AML verification tool to confirm your customers identity.

Automated screening makes it easy for you and your customers so you can safely onboard customers with both speed and accuracy.

AML identity verification made easy

Easy to use

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 to use our AML ID verification tool.

  1. Enter relevant details
  2. Details are run through trusted and reliable data sources
  3. The report is delivered to your compliance officer, or designated person. That’s it.

Keeping you compliant

Not all systems are created equal, but we can safely say we use the best technology and data sources to ensure you remain compliant, and don’t have to deal with remediation because eIDV has been re-used or you have relied on out-of-date information.

Instant results

Boost your business and keep customers happy with instant results. It’s hassle free, reliable, accurate and makes it easy for you to stay compliant.


Trusted and secure

We use enterprise-grade technology and ISO certified tools. The data we use is ‘live’ and our processes fully compliant with AML requirements.

All in one solution

Politically exposed persons (PEP), sanction lists, adverse media and biometrics are all included with our eIDV solution. Always up-to-date with global coverage you never have to worry about the recency of data or be at risk of non-compliance.


You don't have to be exclusive

We know that sometimes you have ties to other eIDV providers but you need a bit more help at certain times. We work seamlessly alongside your partners so you can get the full support you require.

What some of our clients say

Book a demo today

Discover how quickly and accurately you can onboard customers with our online identity verification tool.

More about AML verification

eIDV is the process of verifying a person’s identity remotely through digital means. There are two key components of electronic identity verification:

  1. Confirmation of identity information via electronic source (s); and
  2. Matching the person you are dealing with remotely to the identity they are claiming.

Identification documents may include passport, drivers license or other official government issued documents.

At tic company we verify an individual’s identity from at least two electronic sources which is in accordance with paragraph 14 of the New Zealand explanatory guidance issued in July 2021, which states that “Where two “reliable and independent” sources are used and they match each other, the “high level of confidence” required of a single independent source is not required.”

We have access to a variety of global trusted databases which are used to verify identity documents. The standard logic is to try and get one match from a name and date of birth database and one match from a name and address database.

This will help verify a customer’s identity, but for more in-depth verification, customer due diligence should be used. 

A biometric check assists you in achieving linkage between the presenter of an identity document and the photo on the identity document, this is carried out by performing biometric checks between the face of the document presenter and the face on the ID document.

Three images are captured as standard during the process and multiple checks are carried out. All records are kept and immediately available to you via our portal.

A politically exposed person is any individual, who at any time in the preceding 12 months, in any overseas country, has held a position of certain prominent public function.

We carry out PEP checks during both standard and enhanced due diligence processes, to ensure these individuals are not vulnerable to corruption. PEPs will then be recorded in a reporting entity’s PEP register and risk ratings updated.

Sanction screening is undertaken to ensure that an entity is not registered on a sanction list, and therefore does not pose a risk.

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